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 Libya: Gaddafi to be buried in 'secret desert location'

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Libya: Gaddafi to be buried in 'secret desert location' Empty
PostSubject: Libya: Gaddafi to be buried in 'secret desert location'   Libya: Gaddafi to be buried in 'secret desert location' EmptyTue Oct 25, 2011 4:35 am

Gaddafi's body has been on public display in a cold storage container in Misurata alongside another son Mutassim and his army chief since they were all killed in Sirte on Thursday.
Libya: Gaddafi to be buried in 'secret desert location' Gaddafi_sirte_liby_2032200c
"He will be buried in a simple burial with sheikhs attending the burial. It will be an unknown location in the open desert," a National Transitional Council (NTC) official said, adding that the decomposition of the body had reached the point where the "corpse cannot last longer".
"No agreement was reached for his tribe to take him," he added. Asked if Mutassimcheap jerseys would be buried in the same ceremony, the official said: "Yes."
Gaddafi loyalists had requested that he be buried in his hometown of Sirte, whereas officials wanted to prevent his grave becoming a loyalist shrine.
Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi's anointed heir, is near Libya's borders with Niger and Algeria and planning to flee the country using a forged passport, another unnamed NTC official said on Monday night.

Meanwhile, the interim rulers faced further questions over their conduct during the cheap soccer jerseys war to oust Col Muammar Gaddafi, after the discovery of an apparent massacre of regime supporters in rebel-controlled territory in Sirte.
Human Rights Watch said 53 people appeared to have been shot dead in a hotel in the centre of the city when it was under the control of fighters from Misurata. The badly decomposed bodies, some with their hands bound behind their backs, were found in a garden of Hotel Mahari.
The group called on the NTC to carry out an immediate investigation into the deaths, and was echoed last night by the US State Department, which urged Libya to uphold human rights. It called the allegations "extremely disturbing".
Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director of Human Rights Watch, said: "Thecustom made jerseys evidence suggests that some of the victims were shot while being held as prisoners, when that part of Sirte was controlled by anti-Gaddafi brigades who appear to act outside the control of the NTC.
"If the NTC fails to investigate this crime it will signal that those who fought against Gaddafi can do anything without fear of prosecution."
Yesterday, the government bowed to international pressure and announced a mlb jerseys cheap commission to determine how Gaddafi died after he was cornered in a drain while trying to flee Sirte, his besieged home town.
Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the chairman of the NTC, and other officials have said Gaddafi was killed in crossfire. Mr Jalil said: "In response to international calls, we have started to put in place a commission tasked with investigating the circumstances of Muammar Gaddafi's death in the clash with his circle as he was being captured."
Mr Jalil also yesterday attempted to reassure the NTC's Western backers that the country would be a "moderate" Muslim nation, amid concern over its plans to introduce Islamic law. He appeared to soften his position less than 24 hours after using the liberation ceremony to declare that sharia would be the basis of all legislation.
His attempt at conciliation hinted at the difficulty the NTC is having in balancheap nfl jerseyscing the demands of secularists and influential Islamist factions who played a strong role in the uprising.
France and the EU warned the NTC to respect human rights after Mr Jalil's speech on Sunday in which he singled out a ban on polygamy as legislation which would have to be swept aside.
However, Mr Jalil said on Monday: "I would like to assure the international community that we as Libyans are Muslims, but moderate Muslims."
Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, said: "We will be watchful that the values that we defended alongside the Libyan people are respected."
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